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The subtle science of getting ahead without losing yourself

Discover the unwritten rules of work

Understand what an employer wants

Read how to build your informal networks and get ahead

Learn how to manage your career and find meaning at work

How Work Works was published by Harper Collins on 10th October 2023

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A unique and revelatory guide to understanding and navigating the unwritten rules of the workplace—the key to achieving success, finding meaning, and staying true to your authentic self in today’s business world— from the organizational expert and celebrated author of The Fix.

In her decades researching organizations, Michelle King (PhD) has discovered that people who succeed possess a particularly unique skill: They know how workplaces work. More specifically, to get ahead, they do not reply on the often generic and outdated written formal rules that for a century have defined the workplace. Instead, they have learned to gauge how they should behave and perform by learning the informal (and unspoken) rules that exist just below the surface, rather than ‘formal’ organizational policies.

How Work Works details my 20 years of research and is a one-of-a-kind guidebook for managers, executives, entry-level hopefuls, and college grads on how to:

The new world of work requires a new way of working. With more people vying for top positions, a volatile global workplace, and an ever-evolving landscape, it is increasingly important for employees to understand how to negotiate the unspoken and intangible elements of workplace culture. How Work Works dispels old myths and provides keen observations about what it means to find belonging, build networks, manage the informal and ultimately thrive at work.

De-bunk myths about how workplaces work

Discover how informal networks work and how to build yours

Learn how to build self and other awareness

Understand how to learn on the job and future-proof your career

Unpack how to find meaning at work and make a contribution beyond your job

Download your
free career journal today

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